速報APP / 家庭 / Colors for babies

Colors for babies





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Republica Dominicana, Santo Domingo, Herrera urb. Olimpo, C/hermes, #37

Colors for babies(圖1)-速報App

Colors for children.

It is an easy and fun educational game for younger children, it helps them to know the basic colors. With their help preschoolers learn by playing and

Without effort the name of each color associating it with diverse fruits, animals or objects.

Colors for babies(圖2)-速報App

Description of the game

• Thanks to this game, children of 2 and 3 years can easily memorize up to 11 different colors: Yellow, Blue, Cyan, Gray, Brown, Purple, Orange, Black, Red, Pink and Green, each color is accompanied by fun drawings.

The game has many background landscapes which change in the course of the game, to maintain the interest of the children.

Colors for babies(圖3)-速報App

The names of the colors are in ten languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian, German, Romanian, Turkish, Indonesian, Turkish, Galician.

We recommend that the child learn the colors in their native language, download the best tts translator for app, see app store.

• The interface of the game is very simple and intuitive, so even the youngest children can play alone, we always recommend that your parents accompany you.

Colors for babies(圖4)-速報App

How to play.

• Testing your knowledge

In this game the child's ability to recognize different colors and to repeat their names is checked.

Colors for babies(圖5)-速報App

During the test the small player must bring the selected color to the box of the same chromatic range.

If the colors and frames are well selected, the child will hear words of approval.

• Learning colors

Colors for babies(圖6)-速報App

The screen shows the image of a certain color and three images with different colors, when touching the image of the same color, you will hear the name of the color presenting the image and the color for 3 seconds so he drinks associate the color to the image .

• Images and colors.

Three pictures of fruits, animals or objects appear successively on the screen.

Colors for babies(圖7)-速報App

When the child presses an image, the color image will be displayed and the name of the color will be heard.

We hope it will be of good benefit for your children.

Colors for babies(圖8)-速報App